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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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How to change your microwave light bulb

Does a dimming light in your microwave mean it’s time to hunt for a replacement? Don’t order anything just yet – we’re here to shed some light on microwave bulb maintenance. Follow these steps for an… Read More

Help your small kitchen make a grand impression with this renovation guide

Summertime brings many a kitchen renovation – and if yours is on the smaller side, you could face some tough decisions about how to update it. Regardless of its current size and features, getting the… Read More

How to change your microwave charcoal filter

Has your over-the-range microwave been running less efficiently or emitting smells lately? You don’t have to go catch it, but it might be time to swap out its charcoal filter. What is a charcoal… Read More

How to make microwave cleaning easy

Thanksgiving is kicking off the end-of-year parade of holidays, which means it's time to plan for those delicious leftovers! Whether you love turning all that turkey and stuffing into a sandwich,… Read More

Make kitchen appliance care easy with these tips for routine maintenance

We all have our routines for cleaning the kitchen, but what about keeping your appliances in proper working order? Leaving kitchen maintenance as an afterthought can prevent our refrigerators and… Read More
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