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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Don’t Get ‘Fired Up’ Over Lint

Seriously though, did you know that lint can be a fire hazard in your home? You may already know to empty the lint trap between dryer loads, but the trap doesn’t catch everything. And what happens… Read More

Open & Shut: Garage Door Opener Maintenance

Our two-car garage did not include garage door openers when we first moved in. After one horrendous winter without them—pull up the icy driveway, get out without slipping, go into the side door of… Read More

Septic Sense: Maintaining the Motions

One of the finer aspects of society living is public plumbing: Once you flush, it goes away. But with more than 20 percent of households relying on an onsite system to treat their wastewater, you may… Read More

Getting Zapped in Winter? Maintain Your Humidifier Now

Every winter in the Midwest, I’m utterly shocked—by static electricity. While this clues me in to go look at my furnace humidifier, you can avoid these sparking revelations with a little upkeep… Read More

Hold the Mayo—Refrigerator Maintenance for Homeowners

Is your refrigerator running? Well, you’d better go catch it! Ha hah… ha… ahem. Okay, bad (and old) joke. But seriously, your fridge runs 24/7 to keep your food safe—don’t you think it deserves some… Read More

Stove & Oven Maintenance for New Homeowners

When the season means more time in the kitchen, the last thing you need is for your stove or oven to quit on you. Semi-regular maintenance can go a long way toward ensuring they will work when you… Read More

A Homeowner’s Guide to Smoke Detectors

Homeowners love to hate (and share stories about) that annoying chirp smoke detectors emit when the batteries get low. We know these alarms can and do save lives, so we all enjoy the joke—until it… Read More

How to Maintain Your Jetted Tub

Everybody loves to soak in a hot bath, especially if it happens to be in a jetted tub. Those extra goodies, though—they come with a little extra maintenance. To help keep those jets running in good… Read More
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