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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Marvelous ideas for your mudroom

What is a mudroom anyway? For some, it’s an automatic dumping ground for hats, umbrellas, and boots at the end of a long day. For others, it’s a useful space that allows you to keep your outerwear… Read More

Flush these 5 toilet problems down the drain

Issues with your toilet can readily disrupt your day. Take these easy steps to save yourself from the most common toilet problems – and the hefty repair bill that can often come with them.Toilet… Read More

Does a home warranty cover plumbing? Explore the ins and outs

New and veteran homeowners agree: Plumbing issues can be a real headache. You’ve heard that a home warranty might help, but does a home warranty cover plumbing? Let’s find out. Understanding Home… Read More

How to prevent frozen pipe damage to your home

Nearly 1/3 of all homeowners insurance claims are due to water damage and freezing, affecting around 14,000 U.S. residents every day. State Farm® alone paid out over $181 million in 2022 for frozen… Read More

Lista para preparar su vivienda para un bebé

¡Felicitaciones por su embarazo! Bringing home a new baby is a precious time, but before you know it, these tiny humans start to grow and get into everything! Though you may already be searching… Read More

How to celebrate Earth Day every day at home

Earth Day is tomorrow, and we are ready to celebrate! If you’re unsure how to celebrate Earth Day, we’ve got a list of impactful ways to help you save money and our planet without leaving home. Even… Read More

Smart plumbing for your home

Water is one resource that could always be used more efficiently—especially in your bathroom, where many households use water the most.Finding ways to lower your usage (and water bill) may seem… Read More

Easy bathroom upgrades to create your own home oasis

You may have noticed your bathroom is due for a change, but who wants to spend thousands of dollars and endure weeks of messy construction while their bathroom is out of commission? With our guide on… Read More
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