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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Easy landscaping ideas for beginners

Have you ever driven by a home with beautiful landscaping and wondered how much work or money was involved? If you’re a new homeowner or just new to landscaping, we’ve got you covered.Even if you’ve… Read More

Effective homemade cleaners for a healthier home and planet

We tend to feel most comfortable in our home when it’s clean, but what if the products we use aren’t the best for us or the environment? With our guide on homemade nontoxic household cleaners, you… Read More

Easy bathroom upgrades to create your own home oasis

You may have noticed your bathroom is due for a change, but who wants to spend thousands of dollars and endure weeks of messy construction while their bathroom is out of commission? With our guide on… Read More

Make a family fire safety plan

Most of us probably remember the organized chaos of school fire drills, and how quickly we learned how to shuffle out of the building and line up next to a designated tree or corner of the parking… Read More

11 things first-time homeowners need ASAP

Did you just close on your first house? Congratulations on your new home! Being a first-time homeowner probably has you feeling pretty good, so keep the excitement going by getting started on the… Read More

Holiday safety tips for a great winter party

Most holiday party planning is focused on deciding the menu and cleaning the house, but prioritizing winter home safety is the cherry on top of your end-of-year gathering. Explore our holiday safety… Read More

How to save money during the holidays

This time of year, many homeowners’ wallets will feel the sting from paying for presents, stocking up seasonal décor, and gathering the groceries for a holiday feast. Some may feel that sacrificing… Read More

Home technology for the holidays

For many homeowners, colder weather means a Friendsgiving or family visit is only a few weeks away. Consider making the following smart home upgrades to make your holidays easier, so you have more… Read More
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