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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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National Tune-Up Day: Home System & Appliance Maintenance Essentials

You don’t need to be mechanic or home repair expert to maximize the life of home systems and appliances. All it takes is some simple, scheduled maintenance to keep everything running smoothly for… Read More

Sparks of Hope: A Child and Family Charities Tribute

In this difficult time where people are hurting, those in need are hurting the most. America’s Preferred Home Warranty recently made another donation to Child and Family Charities… Read More

Love That Perfect Yard? Maintain Your Sprinkler System

My husband takes enormous pride in his yard. The hedges must align, the grass must be cut in perfect rows, and above all, each blade must be a lush, dark green. So you can imagine how he’s less than… Read More

Contractor Cornerstones: Filters & Finances

Getting ready to switch out your furnace filter for the year? It might be time to consider what kinds of filters you could replace it with.   According to Lammers Heating & Air… Read More

Contractor Cornerstones: Humidifier Maintenance for Homeowners

Are you keeping up with your humidifier? No, not the essential oil-misting gadget sitting on a shelf—the one in your furnace. In this episode of Contractor Cornerstones, Jackson, Michigan’s Lammers… Read More

What’s That Smell? Oh…

While not as common today, some households still use a trash compactor to minimize the size of waste. Unfortunately, that convenience comes with a side effect: A small, dark compartment perfect for… Read More

Open House? Pumpkin Pie!

Sometimes coming up with new ideas for an open house can leave you with a ‘been there done that’ feeling. You’ve done the fresh baked cookie smell enough to start hating cookies. Why not mix it up… Read More

Don’t Get ‘Fired Up’ Over Lint

Seriously though, did you know that lint can be a fire hazard in your home? You may already know to empty the lint trap between dryer loads, but the trap doesn’t catch everything. And what happens… Read More
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