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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Refrigerator Rundown: Maintenance checklist for homeowners

On July 18th, Americans will celebrate National Ice Cream Day. That means it’s time to show a little love for the appliance that keeps your frozen treats within spoon’s reach—your toppings aren’t the… Read More

How Often Should You Change Your HVAC Air Filters?

One of the biggest joys – and challenges – of being a homeowner is doing home maintenance tasks. Thankfully, most basic home maintenance tasks are easy to do, like changing your HVAC filters. In this… Read More

National Fix a Leak Week: How to Find a Plumbing Leak in Your Home

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that household leaks waste almost one trillion gallons of water each year in the United States. This is roughly equivalent to more than 1.5 million… Read More

A Dusting Conundrum: Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans—can’t live without them, don’t want to clean them. They should just spin off the dust anyway… right? It's sad to say, but ceiling fans are not self-cleaning, so they tend to get… Read More

FREEZE! Or Better Yet, Keep Your Ice Machine Working

Ah, ice. If you’re lucky, you no longer have to fill trays with water, carry them to the freezer (without spilling) and wait for them to harden. You have a built-in icemaker working day and night to… Read More

Happy Thanks… giving? A Kitchen Tale

Imagine this… “HAPPY THANKS—” John started coughing and couldn’t quite finish his festive greeting. That was definitely not the holiday aroma he’d been hoping for. When John could breathe again he… Read More

A Tale of Saving Time, Money, and Stress

I have to get to work! Jerry’s mind raced with stress as he struggled to open his garage door. The garage door opener wasn’t working, and he just didn’t have the time right now. Finally, he got it… Read More

National Tune-Up Day: Home System & Appliance Maintenance Essentials

You don’t need to be mechanic or home repair expert to maximize the life of home systems and appliances. All it takes is some simple, scheduled maintenance to keep everything running smoothly for… Read More
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