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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Gutter cleaning tips for homeowners

We’re well into the new year, right in the middle of the foggy period between the sunset of winter and the dawn of spring. How do we make the most of it? By cleaning our gutters, of course! Seizing… Read More

Spring ahead with proper smoke alarm maintenance

A helpful rule of thumb is to practice smoke alarm maintenance when Daylight Saving Time rolls around—which happens to be today! Isn’t that convenient? It also makes it easy to remember when you… Read More

House Simple: Tips to Maintain Your Electric Water Heater

  Want to avoid a cold shower? Watch this video to learn how often to give your electric water heater a tuneup, and how to do it safely. You'll also find tips on… Read More

Tips for winter washing machine safety

Winter is the season of layers, including sweaters, coats, scarves, and gloves. When laundry day rolls around, do you view your coats and cold weather accessories as dry clean only, or do you… Read More

Fall back and maintain your smoke alarms

It’s Daylight Saving Time again, which means it’s time to roll back our clocks as we enter a new season – and also time to check your smoke alarms. Most homeowners understand the frustration of their… Read More

Fall roof inspection tips to prepare for winter

Before the first snow, it’s important to check over the part of your home that protects you most: Your roof! Winter can aggravate existing roof issues (and your wallet), so follow these roof… Read More

How to close your pool for the season

Fall is inching toward us. It’s time to start preparations, and one of the biggest things to tackle is your large outdoor equipment, like your in-ground pool. Our tips below will show you how to… Read More

Stay cool with our HVAC maintenance checklist for homeowners

Yesterday, many people worldwide celebrated the First Day of Summer. As luck would have it, it was also National HVAC Tech Day. To mark this awesome occasion, America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW… Read More
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