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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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House Simple: Tips to maintain your HVAC

      Seasonal HVAC maintenance is crucial for keeping your home cool all summer long. Watch the video above and/or follow along with the transcript… Read More

House Simple: Tips for oven maintenance

  Code: 07JRTPPZXPKH4GIP This helpful how-to video is accompanied by the transcript below, which features additional information to make maintenance a… Read More

House Simple: Tips to Maintain Your Plumbing

Why is it important to catch plumbing issues early? To keep small problems from becoming bigger and more expensive! Watch this video to learn how to spot issues quickly and keep your plumbing… Read More

House Simple: Tips to maintain your fridge

Day in and day out, your refrigerator is used by everyone in your home. After all that activity, it’s hard to stay cool without a little maintenance! Discover these helpful tips so you can take a… Read More

House Simple: Tips to Maintain Your Gas Water Heater

There's nothing quite like getting in the shower—and realizing there's no hot water! That's why maintaining your gas water heater is so important, but did you know it only requires a tuneup once… Read More

House Simple: Tips to Maintain Your Electric Water Heater

  Want to avoid a cold shower? Watch this video to learn how often to give your electric water heater a tuneup, and how to do it safely. You'll also find tips on… Read More

House Simple: Tips to Maintain Your Garbage Disposal

You probably love your garbage disposal, but do you know how to take care of it? Discover why you should use it regularly, what to avoid, and how you can both clean and sharpen the disposal blades… Read More

House Simple: Tips to maintain your dishwasher

Are dishwasher smells becoming a problem? Here's Dave with some easy maintenance tips to help keep your dishwasher smelling better, and more importantly, running longer. Watch to learn what to wipe… Read More
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