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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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How a DIY energy audit helps you save on home utility costs

Energy bills are a part and parcel of owning a home. According to, the average American household spends almost $180 a month on electricity and natural gas, or over $2,150 a year! … Read More

Does a home warranty cover a roof? Uncovering the facts

In every homeowner's journey, the question hangs: 'Does a home warranty cover a roof?' Your roof is undeniably one of the most crucial aspects of your home, and like everything else, it’s subject to… Read More

Rejuvenate your summer space with these backyard design ideas

Every summer, backyards, patios, and roof spaces become hubs of entertainment and relaxation — but if your outdoor space doesn’t feel as cozy as it used to, it may be time for an update. Often an… Read More

Does a home warranty cover air conditioning? Exploring your options

Does a home warranty cover your air conditioning system? We'll tackle this question and provide you with some valuable insights—let's dive right in! Understanding Home Warranties Before we delve… Read More

Compare coverage: Homeowners insurance vs. home warranties

Many current and future homeowners are familiar with how homeowners insurance can save them money in the long run. But do you know the benefits of a home warranty? It can be difficult to distinguish… Read More

Your essential homeowner plumbing guide

From overflowing toilets to leaky pipes, plumbing problems can be tricky, messy, and complicated—but America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) is here to help. Arming yourself with these easy… Read More

Maintaining your gas appliances and systems

With gas appliances come great responsibility. Okay—maybe not at superhero levels, but having gas appliances can be dangerous if they aren’t maintained properly. If you want to become the hero of… Read More

Make a family fire safety plan

Most of us probably remember the organized chaos of school fire drills, and how quickly we learned how to shuffle out of the building and line up next to a designated tree or corner of the parking… Read More
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