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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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House Simple: Tips to Maintain Your Electric Water Heater

  Want to avoid a cold shower? Watch this video to learn how often to give your electric water heater a tuneup, and how to do it safely. You'll also find tips on… Read More

Effective homemade cleaners for a healthier home and planet

We tend to feel most comfortable in our home when it’s clean, but what if the products we use aren’t the best for us or the environment? With our guide on homemade nontoxic household cleaners, you… Read More

Avoid T.R.O.U.B.L.E.: 7 items you should never put down your drain

Your home’s plumbing system might seem like a good option for getting rid of waste, but don’t let the ‘pipedream’ fool you: Sending any of the following items down your sink’s drain (or any other… Read More

National Tune-Up Day: Home System & Appliance Maintenance Essentials

You don’t need to be mechanic or home repair expert to maximize the life of home systems and appliances. All it takes is some simple, scheduled maintenance to keep everything running smoothly for… Read More

Open & Shut: Garage Door Opener Maintenance

Our two-car garage did not include garage door openers when we first moved in. After one horrendous winter without them—pull up the icy driveway, get out without slipping, go into the side door of… Read More
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