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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Are home warranties worth it on older homes?

Homeownership already comes with its fair share of responsibilities — never mind when that home comes with some age to it. Are you debating whether or not you should invest in a home warranty for… Read More

Stay cool the classic way – with a whole house fan

Many of us remember hot summer afternoons spent watching streamers ripple out of the window A/C unit or fighting with our siblings to hold “concerts” in front of the rotating fan. While they made for… Read More

What are the most common home warranty claims, and how can you prevent them?

Here’s a question we get a lot: What are the most common home warranty claims? They’re the items you use most regularly, of course — and if they break down, you are likely to feel their loss. So we’d… Read More

Help your small kitchen make a grand impression with this renovation guide

Summertime brings many a kitchen renovation – and if yours is on the smaller side, you could face some tough decisions about how to update it. Regardless of its current size and features, getting the… Read More

Oh bugger: Does a home warranty cover termites?

As a homeowner, you've likely invested a considerable amount of time, money, and effort into creating a safe and comfortable living environment for you and your family. Protecting your home from… Read More

Stage your home to sell with eye-catching condo and townhouse design

As with any type of home staging, it takes more than being clean and furnished for your townhouse or condo to really sell. Because condo and townhouse design often differs from that of… Read More

Does a home warranty cover plumbing? Explore the ins and outs

New and veteran homeowners agree: Plumbing issues can be a real headache. You’ve heard that a home warranty might help, but does a home warranty cover plumbing? Let’s find out. Understanding Home… Read More

Snow and ice removal tips for homeowners

While snow and ice look beautiful from inside your warm and cozy home, they can spell big trouble for homeowners if they’re allowed to accumulate. Be prepared for when your winter wonderland isn’t… Read More
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