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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Handling holiday prep

Whether your gift list is a mile long or you’re making a holiday feast large enough to feed the neighborhood, the holidays can be hectic. Want easy ways to avoid getting overwhelmed during the… Read More

4 questions to ask your home warranty

A home warranty can help you save money—that much you know. But what questions should you ask to get the best one for your needs? We’ve got you covered with the questions below. Pro tip: Remember… Read More

Decorating for Fall

The leaves are changing, and sweaters have become all the rage once more – it’s time for our homes to match. Avoid breaking the bank with these tips on inexpensive fall decorating ideas.Make… Read More

How to light a pilot light on different gas appliances

The pilot light may be slowly disappearing into history, but those of us with older gas appliances likely still have a few to… well, light! So if any of these gas appliances in your home have one, we… Read More

How to winterize your sprinkler system

Many of us are experiencing the changing of seasons. If you live in an area with winter temperatures that are near or below freezing, now is the time to make sure your sprinkler system is prepared.… Leer más

Contractor cornerstones: How to replace your furnace filter

We want you to have up-to-date, useful information about maintaining your home systems and appliances, so we’ve started interviewing the experts! To that end, I am pleased to introduce our “… Read More

How to use a gas fireplace

Snow will begin to fall in a few weeks, and the weather will be prime for enjoying your gas fireplace. Before the holiday festivities begin, read on to make this winter your coziest one yet.Gas… Read More

How to become a homeowner

Owning a home can be exciting, but the process can feel overwhelming to a first-time homebuyer. If you’re on your first-ever house hunt, APHW is here to help! Our guide offers simple tips on how to… Read More
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