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Kathy, a smiling grey haired woman wearing glasses and a red collared shirt in a holiday like scene is crowned as the Employee of the Month!
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Kathy shares how working at APHW has been “far better than the last”

They say each new organization brings its own environment.

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APHW Marketing Director named ‘Big Brother of the Year’

Photo features Maureen (Big Sister of the Year) and APHW Marketing Director Jeff Fett (Big Brother of the Year), as selected by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Michigan Capital Region. Big… Read More

APHW Claims Process

Has a covered item broken down at your home? America’s Preferred Home Warranty is here to help! Our easy claims process helps you get your claim started fast, so you can get your home back to normal… Read More

Cómo elegir su propio contratista con licencia

Having a home system or appliance break down is a real headache for any homeowner – unless you have America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW). If the system or appliance is covered, all you need to do… Read More

First-time homeowner review: ‘It was a breeze!’

There’s nothing quite like the smell of cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven—unless the oven won’t start, of course. “We woke up on a Sunday to make cinnamon rolls and the oven didn’t work,” said… Read More

APHW Why We Relay 2021

Why do you Relay? Here at America's Preferred Home Warranty (APHW), we relay for our family (both corporate and extended), for the kids, for our fighters, survivors, and angels, and for so much… Read More

Team APHW Relay 2021 Update

America's Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) has come together as a Relay for Life fundraising team for years, and this year is no different. We've surpassed our goal with the main event fast… Read More

Growth Opportunities Drew Me Here

Are you too comfortable being comfortable? Renee Kozak knew her job from top to bottom—but something was off. “There was no room for growth or opportunity,” she said. Even still, she wasn’t looking… Read More

APHW ‘Came in Handy’ for Maryland homeowner’s basement leak

Maryland homeowner Anugraha Singh and his wife really appreciated the America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) contract their REALTOR® provided as a housewarming gift. Little did they know, though,… Read More

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