Noticias + Reseñas

Kathy, a smiling grey haired woman wearing glasses and a red collared shirt in a holiday like scene is crowned as the Employee of the Month!
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Kathy shares how working at APHW has been “far better than the last”

They say each new organization brings its own environment.

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Breaking Barriers & Taking Names

What a whirlwind! Michele Loker started at America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) in August 2019, both as a brand-new Area Sales Manager and in a brand-new APHW territory. After rocking that for… Read More

Recognizing Our 2020 APHW Family Graduates

With the schools all closed, our graduates weren’t able to get their usual recognition for their hard work–so we decided to recognize them ourselves. Congratulations to… Read More

APHW’s Tech Updates Allow Staff to be Safe at Home

Donna was uniquely set to work from home as a Virtual Sales Manager due to recent updates at America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW). “It’s just one of the many reasons why I love working for APHW… Read More

Family on the Front Lines: Beth

If there’s one thing we can all agree on these days, it’s the front-line heroes keeping our society going—and many of us have close friends and family members working those front lines. Here is … Read More

Because That’s Just What We Do

Have you ever avoided salespeople? I don’t appreciate a forceful sales pitch either… but not all salespeople are like that. Definitely not Suzann Blades—as far as she’s concerned, friendship is far… Read More

Testimonio de empleado: Never the same day twice

It’s easy to assume that working in a customer care department—where escalated calls go—would be a headache at best. It’s actually quite the opposite. “Our job is to listen, to understand their… Read More

JC 2020 MLK Jr. Medal of Service Recipient

It is an incredible honor to have someone of such integrity among our ranks, such an advocate for equality and enacting change where it’s needed, both among our… Read More

Testimonio de empleado: Opportunities for advancement at APHW

“It was something I never thought I would be doing.” Michelle, a Direct to Consumer (DTC) sales representative for America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW), had never imagined she could feel… Read More

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