Noticias + Reseñas

Kathy, a smiling grey haired woman wearing glasses and a red collared shirt in a holiday like scene is crowned as the Employee of the Month!
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Kathy shares how working at APHW has been “far better than the last”

They say each new organization brings its own environment.

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Reseñas de las garantías para la vivienda: Just as good as before!

A renewed contract says a lot, but when a homeowner chooses to come back after time apart — and loves it just as much as before? Now that speaks volumes. The first time around Jessica Kranson's… Read More

Accounting Manager Amanda says, “We aren’t numbers” at APHW

How much can you grow in one organization? After hearing Amanda’s story: A lot! Taking the leap Amanda was an office manager at a manufacturing company. They were in the midst of doing layoffs, so… Read More

Testimonio de empleado: Real support when I needed it

Toney needed help — a positions merger had eliminated her previous job. She had a friend who’d mentioned an opening at America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) to her, so, “I got a hold of Mary and… Read More

APHW Raises $58k+ for Relay for Life 2023

With the 2022/23 Relay season coming to a close, Employee Success Manager and APHW Relay for Life Team Captain Patty had literal tears in her eyes: This has been a season to remember. Relay: In… Read More

Testimonio de empleado: Grown into leadership

In the world of customer service, few success stories match the journey taken by Wenche, a Bilingual Contact Center Manager who joined America's Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) in January 2017. Wenche… Read More

In every market, cover your home B.A.S.E.

Summer reminds us of the good old days – running through sprinklers, chasing down the ice cream trucks, and catching fireflies. In this and every real estate season, it’s important to remember the… Read More

Employee feedback: ‘There’s always a better way’

Are team member contributions important to you? Everyone at America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) supports and encourages them—and Tyler was pleasantly surprised when his ideas were not just heard… Read More

Team Player LaMont shares how to ‘look for connectivity in everything you do’

Sometimes, the employees most dedicated to the mission are those working quietly behind the scenes. One such individual is our very own LaMont, our Senior Brand Manager of Real Estate Sales and Team… Read More

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